Meet me in...


For example……..Paris, London, Zurich, Vienna, Brussels, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, Rome, Milan, Monte-Carlo, Cannes, Barcelona, Madrid…

FMTY fly me to you

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel  less than 1 hour before the appointment starts or before I start travelling to the destination you have to pay my full rate!

Same applies if you don’t cancel at all and do not show up at the agreed meeting point


All dates outside of Hamburg city center require travel cost to be paid upfront. Deposit is 10%-50% of my rate depending on location and length of booking.

The Deposit is non-refundable, in case of cancellation from your side but can be used towards a future booking within 3 months if you cancel at least 24 hour before appointments in Germany or 48 hour before appointments outside of Germany. 

Travel cost is generally non-refundable as soon as tickets are booked

In case I have to cancel the appointment I will send back the deposit